6 Reasons Why You Need to Use an Applicant Tracking System or ATS in Recruitment

Bossjob 6 Reasons Why You Need to Use an Applicant Tracking System or ATS in Recruitment

As organizations continue to improve their workstreams and overall efficiency, technology has played a crucial role in making this possible throughout the years.

For instance, applicant tracking systems have been and are being used by companies to hire better candidates. An ATS is a software application used to collect and process hiring and recruitment needs. This also serves as a database for resumes that companies receive for job applications, with the feature of sorting applications based on set standards before making it to the hiring managers.

Now, you might be asking: Why use an applicant tracking system? To know more about the benefits you can enjoy, heed these 6 reasons why you must invest in one.

1. Streamline your recruiting and hiring processes.

Ultimately, using an ATS helps you save more time and money in the long run. For instance, all the details you need from all job applicants can be stored in a centralized database. This is especially helpful for your recruiting and hiring teams to access and manage all data easily.

Further, you can reduce the time needed going through hundreds and hundreds of applications through the help of ATS. Since this technology can help sort through resumes and discard those that donโ€™t meet the cut, recruiters or hiring managers can allot their time screening highly qualified candidates, thus making the whole process more efficient.

An ATS helps put all vital details from job applicants in one place. With this, HR teams can also have access to relevant insights about how and where candidates found the job posting. Such data lets employers improve their recruitment strategies, focusing on successful areas and revamping those that yield little results.

3. Increase and improve your talent pool.

Since ATS in recruitment helps you sort through various applications, youโ€™ll have access to more qualified candidates for your job openings. Also, reducing the amount of time needed to complete the job application decreases the drop-off rate of job applicants.

4. Offer a better candidate experience.

The job market has become highly candidate-centric, as more and more job seekers realize the value of great candidate experience during the recruitment process. Being able to streamline your overall processes helps make them feel that you value their time applying for your job openings.

5. Reduce employee turnover.

Since applicant tracking systems help you hire the right person for the job, thereโ€™s a high chance that your employees will stay in their roles. In the long run, this can contribute to more savings on recruiting and hiring costs.

6. Enhance your employer brand.

Aside from helping you overcome the most common recruitment challenges, ATS in recruitment also helps you work on your edge as an employer. An ATS can help you provide a more organized and engaging application experience, influencing job seekers to regard your company as a reputable one.

Further enhancing your employer brand can also be achieved through being strategic with your job posting efforts. Bossjob has the vision of providing employers and recruiters the service they need to find quality hires for their job openings. Sign up for your employer profile now and hire better with Bossjob!
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