7 Signs You’re Not Being Productive as a Remote Worker (and How to Fix It)

Asian freelance businessman focus work type on laptop computer busy with full of paperwork chart on desk in living room at home overtime at night

Do you feel overwhelmed doing various tasks simultaneously? Do distractions pull you away, leaving you unfulfilled and procrastinating?

The way we work has changed a lot since the pandemic hit. Many businesses have shifted to hybrid or remote setups, while others have faced layoffs or closures. For Filipinos, the number one advantage of working remotely is the avoidance of notorious traffic and long commutes. In fact, according to a news article, the traffic index in Metro Manila has surged in 2023, with employees stuck in traffic for an estimated 117 hours—equivalent to 5 days.

Despite these benefits, remote work shows challenging factors that can result in unproductive days. To help you stay on track, here are seven signs you might be struggling as a remote worker along with tips to make your working days lighter.

Overloading with unrealistic goals

Listing your goals is a strategy to make sure you complete tasks by the end of the day. However, you’re swayed to overestimate how much you can accomplish, especially when working from home. The motivation to accommodate a lot of responsibilities and fit them in just a day could be strong.

For example, if you’re working as a project manager handling numerous different accounts across different time zones, setting realistic goals could be challenging. Similarly, if you’re balancing between having a full-time job and remote work part-time in the Philippines, you may find yourself overwhelmed and exhausted.

What to do?

  • Focus on what you only need to accomplish to avoid multitasking. There is no pressure when you work mindfully.
  • Don’t entertain additional tasks within your work hours to practice balance and easily set boundaries.

Poor time management

Most remote workers struggle with time management. Considering the volume that remote employees often take on, multi-tasking becomes inevitable. However, unread emails, slow responsiveness, and other downfalls of poor time management can lead to decreased productivity and losses for the company.

Balancing home chores and a work-from-home setup could be back-breaking, but it’s important to know when to step away from your work. Remember that having a hard time fixing your work structure affects the work culture of your company.

What to do?

  • Apply the Pomodoro Technique by working on a specific task for 25 minutes and taking a 5-minute break. Repeat this procedure up to four times and take longer breaks in between.
  • Use the Eisenhower Box to rank your tasks based on urgency and importance.
Businesswoman using smartwatch

Increased screen time

A remote work in the Philippines provides a flexible time doing other things besides your job but presents distraction. Most people nowadays find themselves sneaking in during work hours—whether it’s a new buzz from a friend, trending videos, or scrolling through memes.

A study was conducted in 2023, where Filipinos spend 32.53% of their day on their phones. Additionally, 21.91% of Filipinos’ time is spent on computers placing the country on eighth rank. Browsing the internet or any social media platforms can be an outlet for stress, but eventually leads you to mindless engagement. Before you know it, you’ve lost track of where you were with your tasks.

What to do?

  • Put your phone into silent mode or enable the “do not disturb” feature to avoid entertaining several notifications.
  • Set work boundaries and schedule a time purposely for tasks like responding to emails, checking DMs, and exploring productivity tips from your favorite content creators.

Experiencing isolation

With your current setup, you may experience isolation from your colleagues and supervisors. Working independently while being in a team may seem uncertain and anxious, especially when each member plays a vital role.

It’s challenging to maintain communication among team members and build deeper connections for a better work environment. Sometimes, this situation may lead to misunderstandings and trust issues.

What to do?

  • Stay engaged by actively participating in meetings, collaborations, and team activities, both virtual and in-person.
  • If you’re a team leader, use collaborative tools to initiate casual chats and recognize team achievements.

Frequent technical issues or excuses

Not all remote workers are digital nomads. When businesses transitioned to remote operations, some senior employees struggled to adapt quickly. There could be times that technical issues result in to slow exchange of information as compared to your easy access to the IT team in a face-to-face setup. Troubleshooting independently could be one of the huge challenges of remote working.

On the flip side, some remote workers enjoy too much free time and flexibility. Instead of accomplishing tasks, given their reliable connection and knowledge, they may flag technical issues as an excuse to not pursue work.

What to do?

  • Research tips on basic troubleshooting for network-related problems, such as slow internet connections, downloading or uploading files online, installation of external cameras or microphones for virtual meetings, and the like.
  • Ask your IT team to perform remote system checks regularly to ensure your setup is functioning smoothly.
Procrastinating pensive Asian female blogger sits on sofa with laptop on lap and looking away dejectedly. Unmotivated Japanese freelance woman is distracted from work due to lack of inspiration

Decreased presence on work platforms

There are several reasons for a remote worker to perform poorly resulting in reduced activities on work platforms. Aside from difficulties in understanding instructions, you may feel out of the loop, and continuously deal with external interruptions like housekeeping, digital distractions, and noisy neighborhood. Additionally, a lack of immediate action to your concerns may lead to frustration, missed deadlines, and low-quality of work.

What to do?

  • Directly communicate with your supervisor or any senior team members to address issues before working on your tasks.
  • Use productivity tools to help you track your progress and identify potential risks to help you stay on track with project timelines.

Adopting unhealthy habits

Another sign for remote employees to become less productive is when they have developed unhealthy lifestyles. It’s great to have flexible work hours in the comfort of your home, but if not managed properly, you may have serious health conditions. Although you’re safe from acquiring viruses and germs outside, it’s still important to prioritize health to maintain peak performance.

What to do?

  • Take advantage of your regular breaks for stretching, breathing exercises, and staying hydrated.
  • Start your day with a nutritious breakfast, get enough Vitamin D, and maintain a consistent sleep pattern.

Work remotely and productively!

With the unending demands of various industries today, remote workers endure changing schedules and increasing workloads. But with the tips we’ve discussed, you can positively deal with your slow times and avoid the worries of slacking off.

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