Closing an exhausting year that is 2020, we’re now faced to welcome a brand new start this 2021. For some, this can also be a perfect time to put things into order after a year of challenges and realizations. One way to do so is through listing new year’s resolutions and setting goals for 2021.
Let’s face it, achieving our new year’s resolutions is challenging, which can affect our overall mindset on being able to change for the better. In turn, we end up not attaining them.
Further, setting your 2021 work goals may be a more serious task than you think it is. With that, you must ensure that your goals are SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. This year, take bold steps that will contribute to your professional development. To get you started, here are the top 6 2021 career goals you should consider to make this year more rewarding for your growth.
Learn new skills.
To boost your professional development this year, you may start adding up on your knowledge and skills that are related to your career or chosen field.
Don’t stop investing in yourself. Being a more versatile and well-rounded professional doesn’t just help you feel good and more confident about yourself, but also increases your chances of advancing your career.
Pay more attention to your finances.
Due to the pandemic, we realized that no one’s job is secure. This is why having a ready fund dedicated for unforeseen events such as crises like this.
Make this part of your professional goals for the next 6 months or so. Be sure to take steps on how you can be financially prepared for emergencies. Maintain a monthly budget, and stick to it as much as you can.
Another way to help you save up is to not rely on a single job or gig. Start a side hustle, business, or part-time job which can serve as your back-up in case unexpected things happen and affect your career.
Find a work and life mentor.
Reaching out to people who are more experienced or knowledgeable to guide you in your career goals and life decisions is also a great addition to your 2021 goals.
Build a relationship with someone who can serve as your mentor to help you achieve your goals more efficiently and effectively. At times, someone might need to keep you grounded and keep your goals in check when you get overwhelmed with your life and career decisions.
Revisit your career goals.
Sit down and take time to reflect on your professional situation. With your 2021 career goals, assess which you have achieved and always track your progress. Doing this leaves you a clean slate to start anew for 2022.
Lastly, goal-setting may be overwhelming, as the fear of the unknown ahead of us takes over our being. The key to getting ahead is starting. Get that pen and write down what you want to achieve this year!
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