If you have been on the same job for years now, it’s all too easy to think that a promotion is on its way—given that you have enough experience on the job and you have performed well that earned you a good reputation. Thus, it makes you think that you deserve your boss’s job. Who else doesn’t? Especially if your performance review is acing up.
Before you proceed, let’s make it clear that this article does not mean getting your boss fired and you getting promoted in his or her place; what we mean here is getting a promotion to that job level, either at your company or elsewhere.
So are you ready to take your boss’s job? Here’s how to get promoted.
Before you climb the ladder, make sure that you fully understand what your boss’s role is. Know the major requirements of that job. You need to have a clear understanding of various factors of your boss’s job in order for you to get there. Being oblivious to the role you are eyeing for is like diving on a six feet pool without water.
Assess when there is likely be an opening for the role. Keep an eye on every opportunity as possible. Your boss is like an ordinary employee—he or she wants to level up, too. Unless your boss is new to the role or kind of contented in it, then most likely, your chance of winning is very slim. But, if you create your own opportunity then you will succeed at your goal. Don’t wait for it to knock on your door. Make the initiative to create your own opportunity.
Either you look for another company or a different role that is the same level as your boss.
Once you have figured out the tasks that your boss is expected to accomplish, practice them on your own. Accomplish tasks on or before your deadline. Come early to work. Keep your reputation positive. Because how you perform in your current position is going to be important when you’re considered for a promotion. In short, be efficient. Excellent performance reviews will carry a lot of weight when the company is making staffing decisions.
You know your boss’s role; you already know the opportunities; but do you know yourself well if you are ready for the position? It is very easy to assume that we can already do the boss’s job just because we’ve done a great job but do you think it’s enough? Take time to assess your strengths and weaknesses; your performance for the past years; your capabilities and so on. Your performance review will be of big help to assess yourself. That way, you would know the areas where you need to improve.
One of the most important things in anyone’s career is connection because it will save your life in most unexpected times. Expand your network. You never know you might need the nod from one of those persons you’ve met on the company party. The more you connect and engage with your colleagues, the more they will know about you and the more you’ll stand out when the time comes that they consider you for promotion. Managers are more likely to promote an employee they know well than a random applicant they don’t know much about.
But not looking so desperate. Though this might sound uptight, but expressing your desire for a particular promotion is very helpful. Sometimes, your boss may not know you want it or has not thought of you as a candidate, it’s better to give him at least a pinch of idea that you want the job. Your boss will tell you what you need to do to get the position if he or she knows you want it. Be humble, inquisitive, and passionate.
When people are really committed, you can tell by the quality of their work, the effort they put in, and the relationships they develop. When employees show commitment, the boss notices and tries to reward them with deserved promotions.
If the above mentioned are not successful, you should consider a sideway move. It’s essential to have broader experience as you rise through the corporate ranks and it will expose you to new and interesting opportunities. You never know, you might find a role and path that you actually prefer and one which provides you with even greater opportunities.Besides, you are always free to look for positions outside your department or the company if your current employer does not show any signs of providing what you are looking for as of the moment.