Some Jobs are at Risk of Being Taken Over by Robots

Robots Take Over Jobs

In the age of fast-growing technology, jobs are not exempted from automation. Thereโ€™s such a thing as robots taking over jobs, and it may sound alarming since fewer humans will be needed to perform tasks or roles. That said, there are chances that employment rates will decrease or the nature of human work will change with robots taking over jobs.

Now, what are the jobs replaced by robots or have a higher risk of being fully-automated? Here are some examples of robots replacing humans in the workplace.


Even with the increase in demand for construction jobs for new buildings, improved roadways, and other infrastructure development, such tasks are at risk of a total robot takeover. Some of these roles include construction equipment operation, demolition, and basic installation and repair of materials.


Ever since the late 1950s, robots controlled by computers have been in use to assemble cars and other products. Today, a lot of large manufacturing jobs use robots to make various products more efficiently at even low costs. As these robots become smarter and cheaper, businesses will continue using them in their processes.

Food Preparation and Service

Zooming in on fast-food restaurants, the foodservice industry is already facing a rise in automation. Since this field focuses on speed and efficiency, robots can help customers place orders and make payments. Further, computers can take on repetitive tasks including dishwashing, food prep, order processing, and the likes.

But not all jobs in this industry can be replaced by robots any time soon. Foodservice jobs that require creativity, skills, human interaction, and management skills still need to be filled by people instead of computers.


Most especially in this time when e-commerce is on the rise, many retail companies have already automated some tasks. Robots and even other computer-powered tools are being used for automated checkout services, stocking shelves, checking inventory, and cleaning aisles.

Again, like in any other industry that still requires human interaction for better customer service, sales companies will still hire necessary salespeople to perform more complex roles.

How to Prepare for Automation

What can you do to prepare for the impact of AI on jobs? Here are some steps you can take to help ensure job security in an evolving automated world.

Learn new skills.

Take time to learn and develop new skills that robots canโ€™t perform. These include problem-solving skills, management skills, creativity, and emotional intelligence. Exert extra effort to highlight these skills to become a more valuable job candidate or employee.

Be adaptable.

Even if your job is โ€œsafeโ€ from automation, you might face changes in your daily tasks. This is where you can position yourself as to how and why youโ€™re a worthy employee. Make sure to brand yourself as flexible, adaptable, and willing to adjust or take on new roles. Plus, since more computers and AI will be around, be equipped with the proper skills for you to be able to work with the changing workforce easily.
To be a more future-ready job seeker or career professional this 2021 and beyond, head on to read more of our job hunting tips and other career advice!

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