Your nonverbal communication is as important as your verbal communication in job interview. If you think that you can win the job offer by having the right answers to interview questions and strong qualifications on your resume, then you’re missing out on some other important matters. You might still lose the prize if you don’t take heed of your nonverbal communication. Since job interviewers also consider this aspect, your facial expression, eye contact, posture, and the way you speak will significantly contribute to your chances of bagging the job offer. So to help you nail it, here are the proper ways on how to use nonverbal communication in job interview.
Nonverbal Communication in Job Interview: Can You Project a Professional Image?
1. Handshake
As you meet the interviewer, extend your hand for a firm handshake to convey your genuine interest in the interview. Avoid making it loose or too firm. The former shows lack of interest while the latter exhibits aggressiveness. Also, don’t forget to make an eye contact as you shake hands with the interviewer.
2. Eye Contact
Making an eye contact is not only necessary at the first part of the interview. It should still go on until the end of the conversation. However, be careful not to make an excessive eye contact. You don’t want to scare the interviewer away. So, don’t stare. Allow some regular breaks to make the conversation natural.
3. Posture
Never slouch. Always sit up straight, for it bears confidence. Lean forward a little to show your interest. Avoid having your arms crossed. You can just keep them on your lap. Also, keep your feet on the floor. Actually, even the way you walk through the door can give an interviewer a glimpse of your demeanor. Nonverbal communication in job interview such as this small thing can still impact the hiring decision.
4. Gesture
Is it your habit to play with your hair? Avoid it at all costs during your job interview. Yes, being nervous is normal but you need to control it. In addition, this should not reflect on your facial expression. Otherwise, this will create a first impression about your inability to work under pressure.
5. Tone
Maintain a polite tone in your speech. Don’t be too loud or too quiet. Use a little stress on your words that need emphasis. In addition, clarity of voice demonstrates good communication. On the other hand, if the interviewer is informal and friendly, don’t misunderstand it. He is only putting you at ease. Therefore, stay professional with the way you speak at interviews at all times.
Do you have an interview coming up? Prepare for interview questions but don’t be so absorbed with your rehearsal. Or else, you will just sound robotic during your interview. The conversation should be both natural and professional. Being professional is not just about your qualifications. It is more on how you carry yourself and handle situations. That will go a long way toward winning the job offer. So, know how to use nonverbal communication in job interview. This will help you create a positive impression on the interviewer for them to put you on the list of strongest candidates. So, boost your chances of getting hired by employing these tips!
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Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash